Back by public and parish demand!
St Anne’s Church Aigburth Willis Organ Restoration Fund proudly presents
The Fizz & Ships
Spring Adventure Wine Cruise!
Spring Adventure Wine Cruise!

A maritime-themed wine tasting armchair cruise aboard Liverpool’s famous shipping lines sampling classic wines en route at our ‘ports of call’.
Included in your fare is a mid-voyage bowl of homemade scouse and a final toast of Heidsieke Monopole champagne as served on Titanic and other premier White Star liners.
Other famous lines featured are Blue Funnel, Brocklebank, Canadian Pacific, Harrisons, Shaw Savill, Pacific Steam Navigation, and P&O.
Sailing on: Saturday 22 March 2025
Casting off: 7pm
Berthed at: St Anne’s Church, 389 Aigburth Road, Liverpool, L17 6ABTicket: £25 per ‘passenger’ (including all wines and scouse)
Booking: email:
Tel: 07968 758891
Tel: 07968 758891

At the helm are wine expert Jane Clare and maritime writer Peter Elson
All profits to the St Anne’s Church Willis Organ Restoration Fund
What they say:
Oenophile Mr J Wakefield of Garston said: “I’m a martyr to mal-de-mer but thanks to Fizz & Ships I never once felt queasy all night!”