CAPT Brocklebank notes that almost exactly 57 years ago Cunard Line ‘suspended’ its Liverpool – US service on 24 November 1966, after 126 years when RMS Sylvania, pictured, departed Princes Landing Stage for New York. There was a big send-off as most passengers, crew and their families knew it was the end (‘suspension’ being a euphemism for ‘closure’) of this auspicious endeavour. This first trans-ocean scheduled steamship service started appropriately on 4 July 1840 when PS Britannia steamed out of Coburg Dock with the line’s founder Samuel Cunard aboard. A few years ago Liverpool’s former mayor, Joe Anderson announced that Cunard Line would restart the service. This was quickly refuted by the company. But Capt Brocklebank is with ex-Mayor Anderson and calls for the 60th anniversary of the ‘suspension’ in 2026 to be revoked and ‘normal’ Scouse – Big Apple service resumed.